Warm standby application for a primary database

Figure 3-6 illustrates a warm standby application for a primary database. In this example, one Replication Server manages three databases:

In this example, a single Replication Server manages both the primary and replicate databases. In other instances, different Replication Servers may manage the primary and replicate databases.

Figure 3-6: Warm standby application for a primary database

Figure 3-6 illustrates a warm standby application for primary database. In this example, one Replication Server manages three databases, the active database for a logical primary database, the standby database for logical primary database, and a replicate database that has subscriptions for the data in the logical primary database. A single Replication Server manages both the primary and replicate databases. In other instances, different Replication Servers may manage the primary and replicate databases. The numbers in the figure indicates the flow of transactions from client applications through the replications system in a warm standby application for a primary database. The inbound queue is read by the standby D S I and the Distributor. The two threads do their work concurrently.

The numbers in Figure 3-6 indicate the flow of transactions from client applications through the replication system in a warm standby application for a primary database.

From client applications to inbound queue

In Figure 3-6, numbers 1 through 3 trace transactions from clients to an inbound queue in the Replication Server:

From inbound queue to replicate database

In Figure 3-6, numbers 4 through 8 trace transactions from the inbound queue to the replicate database:

From inbound queue to standby database

In Figure 3-6, numbers 9 through 11 trace transactions from the inbound queue to the standby database for the logical primary database:

The inbound queue is read by the standby DSI and the Distributor. The two threads do their work concurrently. Messages cannot be truncated from the inbound queue until both threads have read them and delivered them to their destination. The messages remain in the queue until the DSI has applied them to the standby database and, if there are subscriptions or replicated stored procedure executions, the Distributor has written them to the outbound queue.

Depending on your replication system, the transactions may be replicated into the standby database before the replicate database. However, Replication Server guarantees that the standby primary database and replicate databases will be kept in sync with the active primary database.