Target-Scope Function String Commands

Use create function string, alter function string, and drop function string to create and manage target-scope function strings for replicate and standby tables and stored procedures.

Use the [owner.]table, stored procedure, , and data_server.database parameters to create and manage target-scope function strings.
{create | alter | drop} function string
        {replication_definition | 
        [owner.] table | 
         stored_procedure}.function[; function_string]
        for {[function class]function_class |
        [database] data_server.database}...


create the rs_insert customized function string for the dbo.authors table at the rdb1 target database in the NY_DS data server:
create function string dbo.authors.rs_insert
     for database NY_DS.rdb1
     output language
     'insert authors values (
           ?au_id!new? ,
           ?au_lname!new? ,
           ?au_fname!new? ,
           ?phone!new? , 
           ?address!new? , 
           ?city!new? , 
           ?state!new? ,
           "00000" , 
      update fn_monitor set insert_count = insert_count + 1' 
See create function string, alter function string, and drop function string in Replication Server Reference Manual > Replication Server Command for full syntax, parameter descriptions, more examples, and usage information.