Target-Scope Customized Function Strings

In a replication system containing only Adaptive Server databases, you need not create a replication definition for a primary table or stored procedure in a warm standby environment or multisite availability (MSA) environment if the sole purpose of the replication definition is to specify a customized function string for the replicate or standby table or stored procedure.

You can create a customized function string, called a target-scope function string, directly against a replicate or standby table or stored procedure without defining a replication definition. This further reduces the replication definition requirement in a warm standby or MSA environment. Use create function string to create target-scope function strings and alter function string and drop function string to manage the function strings.

Stored Procedure and System Table Support

Use rs_helpobjfstring to display information about target-scope function strings. See Replication Server Reference Manual > RSSD Stored Procedures > rs_helpobjfstring.

The rs_targetobjs system table stores information about target tables or stored procedures. See Replication Server Reference Manual > Replication Server System Tables > rs_targetobjs.

Replication Server does not replicate the values in rs_targetobjs to the RSSDs of other Replictation Servers. rs_targetobjs is in the system table services (STS) cache with (objname, objowner, dbid, objtype) as the STS primary cache key. Use sts_full_cache_rs_targetobjs to enable or disable full caching of the table:
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_targetobjs to {on|off}
The default for sts_full_cache_rs_targetobjs is off.