Commands for creating and managing publications

Table 9-3 lists the RCL commands for working with publications. All of these commands, except check publication, are executed at the source Replication Server, where they require create object permission. Anyone can execute check publication at the source Replication Server—or at the destination Replication Server if the user has the same login and password at both servers.

Table 11-5 lists the RCL commands for working with publication subscriptions.

Table 9-3: Commands for managing publications



create publication

Creates a publication for a group of tables or stored procedures that is to be replicated to one or more subscribing databases.

create article

Creates an article for a publication, allowing you to add one or more where clauses to specify a subset of rows to send to the destination database.

The publication and the replication definition on which the article is based must exist before you create an article.

validate publication

Checks that the publication contains at least one article and marks the publication as VALID and ready for subscription.

check publication

Displays the status of the publication and the number of articles it contains.

drop publication

Removes the publication from the rs_publications system table.

You can drop the replication definitions associated with the publication if they are not included in other publications or subscriptions.

drop article

Removes the article from the publication and from the rs_articles system table.

You can drop the replication definition associated with the article if it is not included in other articles or subscriptions.


Displays information about publications and articles.