alter logical connection

Disables or enables the Distributor thread for a logical connection, changes attributes of a logical connection, and enables or disables replication of truncate table to the standby database.


alter logical connection
   to logical_ds.logical_db {
   set distribution {on | off} |
   set logical_database_param to 'value'}




  • To copy truncate table to a warm standby database, set the send_truncate_table option to “on.”

  • Set the send_truncate_table option to “on” only when both the active and warm standby databases are at Adaptive Server version 11.5 or later.

  • If you specify the send_truncate_table to on clause, Replication Server copies the execution of truncate table to the warm standby database for all tables marked for replication.

  • Use the alter logical connection command to disable the Distributor thread after you set up a warm standby application. When you add a database to the replication system, Replication Server creates a Distributor thread to process subscriptions for the data.

  • Use the set distribution off clause to disable the Distributor thread for a logical connection. Use this option when you have set up a warm standby for a database but there are no subscriptions for the data in the database, and if the database is not a source of replicated stored procedure execution. Such a logical database may be a warm standby application that does not involve normal replication, or it may be a logical replicate database.

  • Use set distribution on to start the Distributor thread for a logical connection after you disable it with set distribution off. Do this to create replication definitions and subscriptions for the data in the logical database, or to initiate replicated stored procedures in the logical database.

  • You can suspend or resume a Distributor thread for a physical or logical database connection using the suspend distributor and resume distributor commands.

  • See the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1 and Volume 2 for more information about setting up and managing warm standby applications.

  • You can set parameters that affect all logical connections originating at the current Replication Server with the configure replication server command.

  • The save_interval parameter for a logical connection is set to 'strict,’ by default, when the logical connection is created. This ensures that messages are not deleted from DSI queues before they are applied to the standby database.

    If the standby database is not available for a long period of time, Replication Server’s queues may fill. To avoid this, change save_interval from 'strict' to “0” (minutes). This allows Replication Server to delete the queues.

    Warning!  The save_interval parameter affects only the DSI queue. The materialization_save_interval parameter affects only currently existing materialization queues. They should only be reset under serious conditions caused by a lack of stable queue space. Resetting it (from 'strict' to a given number of minutes) may lead to message loss at the standby database. Replication Server cannot detect this type of loss; you must verify the integrity of the standby database yourself.
  • The materialization_save_interval parameter for a logical connection is set to 'strict,’ by default, when the logical connection is created. This ensures that messages are not deleted from materialization queues before they are applied to the standby database.

    If the standby database is not available for a long period of time, Replication Server’s queues may fill. To avoid this, change materialization_save_interval from 'strict' to “0” (minutes). This allows Replication Server to delete the queues.

Related reference
admin logical_status
configure replication server
create logical connection
resume distributor
suspend distributor