admin verify_repserver_cmd


Verifies that Replication Server can successfully execute a replication definition request.


admin verify_repserver_cmd, ‘rs_api



The string containing the Replication Command Language (RCL) command and all corresponding parameters you want to verify.

Enclose rs_api in single quotes, and replace each single quote inside the string with two single quotes:


Example 1

In this example, admin verify_repserver_cmd tests if you can use alter replication definition to drop columns from a replication definition and suspend the target DSIs successfully after the data for the old replication definition version is replicated to a target, such as a standby or replicate database:

admin verify_repserver_cmd, ‘alter replication
definition authors drop address, city, state, zip
with DSI_suspended’

If Replication Server can execute the alter replication definition command, Replication Server returns with this message:

The replication definition command can be executed

Example 2

This example shows what happens if you use admin verify_repserver_cmd to see whether you can drop columns from a replication definition that does not exist:

admin verify_repserver_cmd, ‘alter replication
definition authors_does_not_exist
drop address, city, state, zip

Replication Server returns with a message that the replication definition named “authors_does_not_exist” does not exist.

Example 3

This example shows that admin verify_repserver_cmd can detect syntax errors, such as using the “columns” keyword in the command line:

admin verify_repserver_cmd, ‘alter replication
definition authors drop columns address, city, state, zip
with DSI_suspended’

Replication Server returns with a message, such as:

Line 1, character 71: Incorrect syntax with the keyword

Example 4

This example shows that admin verify_repserver_cmd can detect if you are using quotes incorrectly, such as using double quotes to enclose ‘off’:

admin verify_repserver_cmd, ‘alter replication
definition authors replicate sqldml “off”’

Replication Server returns with a message, such as:

Line 1, Incorrect syntax with the keyword 'off'.

The correct syntax is:

admin verify_repserver_cmd, ‘alter replication
definition authors replicate sqldml ‘‘off’’’



Any user may execute this command.

See also

admin verify_repserver_cmd, alter replication definition, rs_send_repserver_cmd, sysadmin skip_bad_repserver_cmd