alter logical connection


Disables or enables the Distributor thread for a logical connection, changes attributes of a logical connection, and enables or disables replication of truncate table to the standby database.


alter logical connection
   to logical_ds.logical_db {
   set distribution {on | off} |
   set logical_database_param to 'value'}



The data server name for the logical connection.


The database name for the logical connection.

distribution on

Enables the Distributor thread for the logical connection.

distribution off

Disables the Distributor thread for the logical connection.


The name of a configuration parameter that affects logical connections. Table 3-15 describes the parameters you can set with alter logical connection.


A setting for a configuration parameter that matches the parameter. value is a character string.

Table 3-15: Configuration parameters affecting logical connections




Use dist_stop_unsupported_cmd to set DIST to suspend itself or to continue running when it encounters commands not supported by downstream Replication Server. When dist_stop_unsupported_cmd is on, DIST suspends itself if a command is not supported by downstream Replication Server. If it is off, DIST ignores the unsupported command.

Regardless of dist_stop_unsupported_cmd parameter’s setting, Replication Server always logs an error message when it sees the first instance of a higher version command that cannot be sent over to a lower version Replication Server.

Default: off


Materialization queue save interval. This parameter is only used for standby databases in a warm standby application.

Default: “strict” for standby databases


Specifies whether Replication Server should send all replication definition columns for all transactions or only those needed to perform update or delete operations at the standby database. Values are “on” and “off.”

Replication Server uses this value in standby situations only when a replication definition does not contain a “send standby” option with any parameter. Otherwise, Replication Server uses the value of the “replicate minimal columns” or “replicate all columns” parameter in the replication definition.

Default: on


The number of minutes that the Replication Server saves messages after they have been successfully passed to the destination data server. See the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 2 for details.

Default: 0 minutes


Specifies which columns Replication Server should send to the standby database for a logical connection. Overrides “send standby” options in the replication definition that tell Replication Server which table columns to send to the standby database. Values are:

  • on – send only the table columns that appear in the matching replication definition. Ignore the “send standby” option in the replication definition.

  • off – send all table columns to the standby. Ignore the “send standby” option in the replication definition.

  • check_repdef – send all table columns to the standby based on “send standby” option.

Default: check_repdef


Specifies whether to enable or disable replication of truncate table to standby database. Values are:

  • on – enables replication of truncate table to standby database. This is the default.

  • off – disables replication of truncate table to standby database.


Specifies whether to replicate SQL statements to warm standby data servers. Values are:

  • on – replicates SQL statements. The default statements replicated are update, delete, insert select, and select into.

  • off – ignores all SQL statements.

    Notews_sqldml_replication has lower precedence than the table replication definition for SQL replication. If your table replication definition contains send standby clause for a table, this clause determines whether or not to replicate the DML statements, except select into, regardless of the ws_sqldml_replication parameter setting.


Example 1

Disables the distributor thread for the LDS.pubs2 logical connection:

alter logical connection to LDS.pubs2
 set distribution off

Example 2

Changes the save interval for the LDS.pubs2 logical connection to “0,” allowing messages in the DSI queue for the logical connection to be deleted:

alter logical connection to LDS.pubs2
 set save_interval to '0'

Example 3

Enables the replication of truncate table to the standby database:

alter logical connection to LDS.pubs2
 set send_truncate_table to 'on'


See also

admin logical_status, configure replication server, create logical connection, resume distributor, suspend distributor