Chapter 9: Replication Monitoring Services API

This chapter contains the reference pages for the Replication Monitor Service (RMS) API. Table 9-1 provides a brief description of the API commands.

Table 9-1: RMS API commands



add event trigger

Sets up a trigger, such as a process or a script, that is executed by the RMS when a specific event occurs.

add server

Adds a server to be monitored by the RMS.

configure component

Returns configuration parameters for a component; or sets the value of the specified configuration parameter. Components are monitored objects within a server, including Replication Server and Adaptive Server Enterprise.

configure RMS

Returns the configuration parameter information for the RMS, or sets the value of a specified RMS configuration parameter.

configure server

Returns configuration parameter information for a Replication Server or Replication Agent, or sets the value of a specified configuration parameter. Also retrieves and sets RMS-specific parameters.

connect to server

Provides a pass-through mode that enables you to send commands to a server that is monitored by the RMS. Result sets generated by commands are passed back to the client.

create group

Enables you to define a set of servers and issue commands to all members of the group.

delete group

Deletes a logical group that was added using the create group command.

disconnect server

Disconnects from a server where a pass-through connection was established.

drop event trigger

Removes a trigger that the RMS is monitoring, using the add event triggers command.

drop server

Drops a server that is being monitored by the RMS.

filter connection

Returns current filter settings or sets the filter setting for a connection. This command can filter either the Replication Agent thread or the DSI thread status.

get component

Returns a list of Replication Server or Adaptive Server Enterprise components that are monitored by the RMS. Components are monitored objects within a server.

get group

Returns a result set that contains either a list of the groups and a roll-up status for each group, or status of each server and a roll-up status for the specified group. Roll-up status shows the lowest status reported for a component in the groups.

get heartbeat

Retrieves a list of the heartbeat processes that have been defined in the RMS.

get heartbeat tickets

Retrieves a set of tickets from the rms_ticket_history table, for the heartbeat process and date and time range specified.

get network spec

Retrieves the connection information for all servers known to the RMS. This list is retrieved from the RMS’s interfaces file or LDAP server. The list consists of the server name, host computer name, and the port number used by the server.

get rmiaddress

Retrieves the address of the Remote Method Invocation (RMI) service.

get servers

Returns a list of servers that are monitored by the RMS, and the status of the RMS environment. The RMS status is a roll-up of the monitored servers.

get status descriptions

Retrieves the list of status descriptions for a server or component.

get threads

Displays information about threads running in the Replication Server.

get triggers

Displays information about the triggers that are monitored by the RMS.

get version

Retrieves the version number of RMS.

resume component

Resumes a component in a specified server. The command resumes a DSI thread, Replication Agent thread, RepAgent thread, queue, or a route in a Replication Server.

resume Replication Agent

Resumes replication in a Replication Agent.

shutdown server

Issues a shutdown command to a server or to the RMS.

suspend component

Suspends a component in a specified server. The command suspends a DSI thread, Replication Agent thread, RepAgent thread, or route in a Replication Server.

start heartbeat

Sets up and starts a heartbeat process from a specified primary connection to a specified replicate connection.

stop heartbeat

Stops the heartbeat process between the primary and replicate databases. Optionally, truncates the rms_ticket_history table.

suspend Replication Agent

Suspends replication in a Replication Agent.


Displays trace information in the RMS log file.

To use the RMS API commands, these permissions must be set for each server that is monitored by RMS:



Adaptive Server

The user must have “sa” or “dbo” permissions or Replication role for any primary database.The user must have “sa” or “dbo” permissions for any RSSD database.

Replication Server

The user must have “sa” permissions.

Replication Agent

The server does not have different user permissions.

Mirror Replication Agent

The server does not have different user permissions.


The user must have permission to successfully log into the back end server. The RMS does not attempt to read or write to the back end database.


The user must have permission to log into the ASA. The RMS does not attempt to read or write to the database.


The user must have permission to log into the IQ server. The RMS does not attempt to read or write to the database.

Remote RMS

The server does not have different user permissions.

Open Server

The user must have permission to establish a connection to the Open Server.