Retaining password encryption after upgrading then downgrading

If you upgrade to an Adaptive Server 15.0.2 or later, then downgrade to an earlier version, use sp_downgrade to retain and use the password encryption functionality from the 15.0.2 and later server. By default, Adaptive Server lets you downgrade passwords after an upgrade, until you end the password downgrade period.

NoteRunning sp_downgrade, shutting down the server, then restarting the same version of Adaptive Server from which you downgraded removes the changes made by sp_downgrade. You must re-run sp_downgrade to redo the changes. See the Installation Guide for information about running sp_downgrade.

Adding space before you upgrade

Adaptive Server requires additional space in the master database, and transaction log. Use alter database to add additional space to the master database, and transaction log.

Encryption algorithms and password policies:

The transaction log requires additional space for the updated password column. When users first log in, Adaptive Server requires about 829 2K pages per 1,000 logins, and about 343 pages per 1,000 logins for password changes users make during the upgrade and downgrade. To ensure there is sufficient log space, verify that there is approximately one 2K page of free log space per login before starting the password upgrade or downgrade, and when users first login to Adaptive Server version 15.0.2 and later.


Adaptive Server supports downgrading from version 15.0.2 or later to version 15.0 or 15.0.1. If you are downgrading to an earlier version of Adaptive Server, you may need to perform additional actions.

If allow password downgrade is 0 or NULL, or if a password has been stored in syslogins with only the SHA-256 algorithm, use sp_displaylogin on login accounts to determine which algorithm is used, or sp_downgrade "prepare" to determine which accounts are reset.

The prepare option reports whether the server is ready to be downgraded. If the prepare option fails, it reports errors that must be fixed. If a downgrade is performed on the server before the errors are fixed, the downgrade fails. For login passwords, prepare reports which passwords are reset during the downgrade.

Run sp_downgrade "prepare" to verify whether you should run sp_downgrade:

sp_downgrade 'prepare','15.0.1',1
Checking databases for downgrade readiness.

There are no errors which involve encrypted columns.

Allow password downgrade is set to 0. Login passwords 
may be reset, if old encryption version of password is 
not present.

Warning: New password encryption algorithm found for 
login name user103, suid 103.

Password will be reset during the downgrade phase.

sp_downgrade 'prepare' completed.
(return status = 0)
sp_droplogin 'probe'

If the login has user entries in databases, from the master database, drop users from databases, and then drop the login:

use master
sp_dropuser 'probe'

The probe login is re-created when you run installmaster on the downgraded server.

Before executing sp_downgrade, Sybase recommends that you drop statistics for syslogins, and syssrvroles. Doing this avoids invalid column information, such as the length of password column, in sysstatistics from being recorded during the downgrade.

To drop statistics for syslogins, and syssrvroles, enter:

delete statistics master..syslogins
delete statistics master..syssrvroles

In this example, the execution of sp_downgrade locks, and resets the login password for user103. The random password generated by Adaptive Server is shown only to the client who executes sp_downgrade. The administrator can redirect this output to a file so that these passwords are retained, or the administrator can manually reset them once the downgrade is complete, and the server is restarted.

sp_downgrade 'downgrade','15.0.1',1
Checking databases for downgrade readiness.
There are no errors which involve encrypted columns.

Allow password downgrade is set to 0. Login passwords may be reset, if old encryption
version of password is not present.
Warning: New password encryption algorithm found for login name user103, suid 103 .
Password is reset during the downgrade phase.

Executing downgrade step 1 [sp_passwordpolicy 'downgrade'] for :
- Database: master (dbid: 1)

New password encryption algorithm found for login name user103, suid 103.
Resetting password to 'ZdSuFpNkBxAbW9'.

Total number of passwords reset during downgrade = 1

[ ... output from other downgrade steps ..] 
(return status = 0)

Additional messages appear in the error log to identify steps that occurred during sp_downgrade:

00:00000:00006:2007/05/21 05:34:07.81 server  Preparing ASE downgrade from 1502 to 1501.
00:00000:00006:2007/05/21 05:35:59.09 server  Preparing ASE downgrade from 1502 to 1501.
00:00000:00006:2007/05/21 05:35:59.19 server  Starting downgrading ASE.
00:00000:00006:2007/05/21 05:35:59.20 server  Downgrade : Downgrading login passwords.
00:00000:00006:2007/05/21 05:35:59.22 server  Downgrade : Starting password downgrade.
00:00000:00006:2007/05/21 05:35:59.23 server  Downgrade : Removed sysattributes rows.
00:00000:00006:2007/05/21 05:35:59.23 server  Downgrade : Updated 1 passwords.
00:00000:00006:2007/05/21 05:35:59.24 server  Downgrade : Removed columns in syslogins -
lastlogindate, crdate, locksuid, lockreason, lockdate are removed.
00:00000:00006:2007/05/21 05:35:59.26 server  Downgrade : Truncated password lengths.
00:00000:00006:2007/05/21 05:35:59.28 server  Downgrade : Successfully completed password 
00:00000:00006:2007/05/21 05:35:59.28 server  Downgrade : Marking stored procedures to 
be recreated from text.
00:00000:00006:2007/05/21 05:36:03.69 server  Downgrade : Dropping Sysoptions system 
00:00000:00006:2007/05/21 05:36:03.81 server  Downgrade : Setting master database minor 
upgrade version.
00:00000:00006:2007/05/21 05:36:03.83 server  Downgrade : Setting user databases minor 
upgrade version.
00:00000:00006:2007/05/21 05:36:03.90 server  ASE downgrade completed.

sp_downgrade makes catalog changes, and modifies password data. The server must be in single user mode to successfully execute sp_downgrade. To start the server in single user mode, and to allow only the System Administrator to log in, use the -m command line option to start the server.

After running sp_downgrade, shut down the 15.0.2 server to avoid new logins or other actions that may modify data or system catalogs. If you restart Adaptive Server at version 15.0.2 after running sp_downgrade, the earlier version shuts down and you are again upgraded to the version 15.0.2 or later level.