Changes in class distribution

The Java runtime classes delivered with Adaptive Server 15.0.2 and earlier was a limited subset of the Java 1.2 release. Adaptive Server no longer provides the runtime classes. Rather, the JVM uses the runtime classes delivered as part of the commercial JRE.

In general, Java classes from later versions can be presumed to be backwards compatible with earlier versions. However, certain methods or classes marked “deprecated” in earlier versions may no longer be compatible with later versions. Make sure that any deprecated classes or methods used by your applications are still supported and unchanged in later versions of Java.

Adaptive Server version 15.0.2 and earlier included a file in the $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/lib directory. This file included the Adaptive Server specific classes, JDBC classes required for driver support, and a subset of the standard Java classes.

Adaptive Server 15.0.3 replaces the file with the sybasert.jar (which contains the Sybase Java classes required by the PCA/JVM) and uses the rt.jar to provide the standard Java class set. sybasert.jar is located in $SYBASE/ASE-15_0/lib/pca, and rt.jar is located in the Java distribution in $SYBASE/shared/<jre_directory>/lib, where jre_directory is a name specific to your platform.