The JVM pluggable component

The JVM plug-in is a dynamically loaded module that is engineered, supported, and installed on your platform independently from Adaptive Server. To Adaptive Server, the plug-in is a “black-box” application and not Sybase-supported technology: the JVM plug-in issues Java result sets, which are translated by the PCI Bridge, which then sends the translated result sets to Adaptive Server.

Because the JVM plug-in is controlled by the PCA/JVM, it is indirectly connected to Adaptive Server. You can install, upgrade, and start the JVM plug-in independently of Adaptive Server.

Typically, Java distributions include one or more JVM implementations. This allows users to select the VM that best corresponds to the performance requirements of individual applications.

There are many Java distributions, however, these features of Java technology are common to both the client and server VM versions:

Although the PCA/JVM plug-in can use either the client or server JVM, Sybase recommends that you use the server version to maximize Java method performance by default; the server version is used by the installation process.

See the client-version documentation for information about the appropriate client version for your enterprise.