Mask syntax

The work_dir (trusted directory) permission mask:

For example:

There are many ways to define masks, but they are always evaluated from left to right. For example, suppose the mask is initially defined as 0777 (ugo=rwx). If you later remove w(rite) and x(ecute) for g(roup) and o(ther), the octal equivalent becomes 0744 and the mask (ugo=rwx,go–wx).

If no mask is specified (when the mask portion is optional), the directory uses the default write mask of 0666.

Valid syntax values are:

u ... user (or owner). g ... group. o ... other (or world). a ... all (sets u, g, and o). For example: (a+rw) turns on read and write for u, g, and o. + ... turn on bits. – ... turn off bits. = ... replace bits. For example: (u=rw) replaces user. r ... read bit. w ... write bit. x ... execute bit.