Changes in memory management

Adaptive Server 15.0.2 and earlier used a memory management system consisting of three distinct heaps: a global fixed heap, a shared class heap, and a process object heap. Adaptive Server 15.0.3 and later uses a single PCI memory pool. Any existing configuration values from 15.0.2 and earlier are ignored by Adaptive Server 15.0.3. You must specify the total memory for the PCI subsystem using the pci memory size configuration parameter. See Chapter 2, “Managing the Java Environment.”

If you are transitioning from Adaptive Server version 15.0.2 and earlier, you may need to change the default size of the PCI memory pool. The life cycle of classes and garbage collection algorithms used by commercial JVMs differs significantly from that of the Sybase internal JVM. Once the size of the PCI memory pool is appropriately configured, you should see no difference in behavior.