Server-Library localization properties

Table 3-8 lists Server-Library properties that are related to localization:

Table 3-8: Server-Library properties related to localization



Applies to

For more information


Whether or not to generate messages in the server’s language.

Application-wide context

Open Server Server-Library/C Reference Manual


Whether or not to generate messages in the server’s language.


Open Server Server-Library/C Reference Manual

These properties determine whether Open Server generates error messages in the Open Server application’s language or a client’s language: SRV_S_USESRVLANG is a server-wide property, set using srv_props. Its value serves as the default value for SRV_T_USESRVLANG.

SRV_T_USESRVLANG is a thread property, set using srv_thread_props. When a new thread structure is allocated, SRV_T_USESRVLANG picks up a default value from SRV_S_USESRVLANG: