Localization file sections

Different files have different types of sections, and different types of sections have different entry keywords.

This section contains specific information about the sections that are common to all localization files.

Table B-1 describes where to find information on sections specific to particular files:

Table B-1: References for sections specific to a file

File name


The locales file (locales.dat)

“Locales file sections and entries”

Collating sequence files (sort_order_name.srt)

“Collating sequence file sections and entries”

Table B-2 describes sections that are common to all external localization files:

Table B-2: Standard sections in localization files




File format section

This section is optional.

If used, it has the form:

[file format]
    version = version_number
    list_separator = list_separator_char
    escape = escape_char


  • version_number is a version number.

  • list_separator_char is the list separator character to use for the file.

  • escape_char is the escape character to use for the file. If not specified, “list_separator” defaults to “,” (comma), and “escape” defaults to “\” (backslash).

[file format]
     version = 1
list_separator =,
   escape = \


This section is optional.

If used, it has the form:

    copyright = "copyright_statement"

where copyright_statement is a character string.

    copyright = "Copyright\
 Excellent Products, Inc."