show instance


Displays information about an instance.


show instance [instance_name ] {
	 config |
	 status |
		[ [ errors ]  minseverity severity_level ] |
		[ startdate [ date_string ]] |
		[enddate [ date_string ]] |
		[ last num_lines ] ] }



specifies a unique name for an instance in the cluster.


displays status information for the instance. Values are:

  • Up

  • Down

  • Undefined

  • Invalid

  • Start

  • Init

  • Quiesce


displays the instance log.

errors [ minseverity severity_level ]

displays log file entries for errors. (Optional) Limits displayed error entries to a severity level and above.

NoteError severities_level is an attribute of Adaptive Server error messages, not sybcluster messages.

startdate [ date_string ]

displays log file entries that occur on and after the date specified. The format for date_string is: mm:dd:yy.

If a startdate or enddate date_string is not specified, date_string defaults to the current day.

enddate [ date_string ]

displays log file entries that occur on or before the date specified. The format is: mm:dd:yy.

last num_lines

Limits the number of lines displayed, counting backwards from the last line in the log file.


Example 1

Displays information about “ase1.”

show instance ase1 status
Id    Name    State
1     ase1    Down

Example 2

Displays configuration information for “ase1.”

show instance ase1 config
Instance: ase1 at blade6:25001

Private Primary Network
    Address: blade1
    Port Range: 2541 - 2556
    Sybase home: /sybase/sybase_sdc
    ASE home: /sybase/sybase_sdc/ASE-15_0
    Config file: /sybase/sybase_sdc/ase1.cfg

Private Secondary Network
    Address: blade1
    Port Range: 2557 - 2572

Log Path: /blade1/sybase/
