create backupserver


Creates a Backup Server for the cluster, or, if the cluster is configured for multiple Backup Servers, creates a Backup Server for each instance in the cluster.


create backupserver 


Example 1

Creates the Backup Server “mycluster_BS” for “mycluster”:

create backupserver
Do you want to create multiple Backup Servers? [Y] N
Enter the Backup Server name: [mycluster_BS]
Enter the Backup Server log file path: [$SYBASE/ASE-15_0/
Do you want to create a Backup Server for node "blade1"? [Y]
Enter the Backup Server port number for node "blade1":
The Backup Server "mycluster_BS" was successfully defined.

Example 2

Creates multiple Backup Servers for “mycluster” running on “ase1” on “blade1” and “ase2” on “blade2”:

create backupserver
Do you want to create multiple Backup Servers? [Y] Y
The "dump/load" commands would be routed to appropriate Backup Server based on following policies:
1. Dedicated - Each instance associated with exactly one Backup Server.
2. Round Robin - Choose the Backup Server with least number of requests in round robin fashion starting from global cluster level counter.
Enter the number corresponding to the policy to be used: [1] 1

Enter the Backup Server name for instance ase1: [ase1_BS]
Enter Backup Server log file path: [/remote/var/sybase/install/ase1_BS_log]
Enter the Backup Server port for node "blade1": 23001

Enter the Backup Server name for instance ase2: [ase2_BS]
Enter Backup Server log file path: [/remote/var/sybase/install/ase2_BS_log]
Enter the Backup Server port for node "blade2": 23002

Backup Servers successfully defined.


create backupserver prompts for the Backup Server listening port on each node. It copies other necessary configuration information from the cluster configuration file. create backupserver: