Enabling Kerberos authentication

To enable Kerberos authentication for the ASE ODBC driver, add the following connection properties:

AuthenticationClient=<one of 'mitkerberos' 
or 'cybersafekerberos' or 'activedirectory'> 
and ServerPrincipal=<ASE server name

where <ASE server name> is the logical name or the principal as configured in the Key Distribution Center (KDC). The ASE ODBC driver will use this information to negotiate Kerberos authentication with the configured KDC and ASE server.

The Kerberos client libraries are compatible across various KDCs. For example, on Linux you can set AuthenticationClient equal to mitkerberos, even if your KDC is a Microsoft Active Directory.

If you want the Kerberos client to look for the Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) in another cache, you might want to specify the userprincipal property.

If you use SQLDriverConnect with the SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT, ConnectString appears similar to the following:

"Driver=Adaptive Server Enterprise;UID=sa;