Conversion switches

The following table lists and describes the switches used in the conversion.

Table 3-1: Conversion switches


Description of results


Displays this message. This message is also displayed if dsnmigrate is called with no command line arguments.


Displays a list of all Sybase Data Direct user and system DSNs.


Displays a list of all Sybase Data Direct user DSNs.


Displays a list of all Sybase Data Direct system DSNs.


Converts all Sybase Data Direct user and system DSNs.


Converts all Sybase Data Direct user DSNs.


Converts all Sybase Data Direct system DSNs.


Converts specific Sybase Data Direct user or system DSNs.


Converts specific Sybase Data Direct user DSNs.


Converts specific Sybase Data Direct system DSNs.


The name of the DSN to be converted.


An optional switch that changes the way DSNs are named. If this switch is used, the original DSN is retained and the new DSN is named “<dsn>-<suffix>.”


The suffix that is used to name the new DSN.