Determining if your component can use LWC

Because the LWC eliminates standard dispatcher code to enforce transaction semantics and security restrictions, you must verify that your components and the application’s use of them satisfies these restrictions before enabling LWC.

The LWC is suitable for EJB components with transaction attribute set to Required, when such components are called by other EJB components with transaction attributes “Required” or “Requires New.” EAServer verifies the following before using the lightweight container for EJB-to-EJB calls to ensure that EJB 1.1/2.0 semantics are fully preserved:

If the LWC is enabled for the called component, but the constraints are not satisfied, the call fails and EAServer logs an error.

When using the LWC, object references cannot be marshalled. For example, if component A calls B using the remote interface, and B returns a reference to component C, B will fail with exception or ClassCastException if LWC is enabled for component C. To avoid this issue, disable LWC for the target components whose object references are passed as parameters or return values, or use local interfaces to call these components.