Setting the task priority

Task priority is an attribute of an execution class that is set with sp_bindexeclass. The current_priority column from sp_showpsexe output shows the priority level for the current task execution settings:

spid           appl_name                      login_name
                      exec_class                    current_priority
------          ------------------------------ ------------------------------
                     ------------------------------ ----------------
     6                                    NULL                           NULL
                                               NULL              LOW
     7                                    NULL                           NULL
                                               NULL           MEDIUM
     8                                    NULL                           NULL
                                               NULL              LOW
    13                                    isql                             sa
                                                EC2           MEDIUM

In threaded mode, the task_affinity column indicates the name of the thread pool. In process mode, it indicates the name of the engine group.

Use sp_setpsexe to set the priority for a specific task. For example, to set the isql task in the example above to a priority level of HIGH, use:

sp_setpsexe 13, 'priority', 'HIGH'

When you set task priorities, consider that: