System exceptions

System exception identifiers are predefined and listed in Table 5-2.

Table 5-2: System exception identifiers




An error occurred internally to the ActiveX proxy. For example, you may have called a method that uses an unsupported parameter type.


Raised when a client invokes the operation but the passed context does not contain the context values required by the operation.


Indicates that the caller has invoked operations in the wrong order; for example, you cannot make an ORB-related call without first initializing the ORB.


A passed parameter is out of range or considered illegal, such as a null values or null pointer.


Indicates that an object reference denotes an existing object, but the object does not support the operation that was invoked.


The datatype for a variable could not be determined or processed.


A network error occurred. When creating a connection, this usually indicates that the server is down or you have specified the wrong listener address. When calling a method, the error may indicate a transient network fault; you can retry the method.


A code set conversion problem occurred.


JaguarORB failed in an attempt to free dynamic memory; for example, because of heap corruption or memory segments being locked.


Indicates that an implementation limit has exceeded in the ORB runtime; for example, a parameter’s size may have exceeded the allowed maximum.


Indicates an internal failure in the JaguarORB, for example, if JaguarORB has detected corruption of its internal data structures.


Component information or properties could not be read from the repository.


An invalid flag was passed to an operation.


An RMI/IDL (remote method invocation/interface definition language) repository ID could not be mapped to a Java class.


An object reference is invalid.


A problem occurred while attempting to process a transaction.


JaguarORB has encountered a failure during its initialization, such as failing to acquire networking resources or detecting a configuration error.


A request or reply from the network is structurally invalid. This error typically indicates an error in either the client-side or server-side runtime.


The component does not implement the method that you called.


The ORB runtime has run out of memory.


JaguarORB has encountered some general resource limitation; for example, the runtime may have reached the maximum permissible number of open connections.


This exception is raised if a client attempts to retrieve the result of a deferred synchronous call, but the response for the request is not yet available.


The user cannot access the server or a specified component.


Indicates an administrative mismatch; for example, a server may have made an attempt to register itself using a name that is already in use, or is unknown to the repository.


The object does not exist. This can happen if:

  • The component installed incorrectly on the server. For example, the component class or skeleton class cannot be loaded.

  • The object represents a stateful component and your reference to it has expired. Check the value of the component’s property, and, if needed, code your client to create another instance in response to this error.


A persistent storage failure; for example, failure to establish a database connection or corruption of a database.


The method you attempted to call must be called in the context of an open transaction.


The method you called rolled back its transaction, or if you have started a client-managed transaction, the transaction timed out.


An attempt to establish a connection fails, for example, because the server or the implementation repository is down.


An operation implementation throws a non-CORBA exception or raises a user exception that does not appear in operation’s raises exception.

See the CORBA specification for general descriptions of CORBA system exceptions.

See the EAServer Programmer’s Guide for examples of exception handling code.