Running a Silent Installation

Run the SilentInstall_Win.bat script from a command prompt.

  1. To accommodate SAP Mobile Platform internal communications, you may need to reconfigure intrusion detection/prevention systems (either hardware- or software-based). See the SAP Mobile Platform Landscape Design and Integration guide.
  2. Run the installation script as an administrator on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
  1. Confirm that the root directory of the installer image contains the SilentInstall_Win.txt configuration file that you modified for a particular installation type.
  2. From a command prompt on the installation target host, navigate to the root directory of the installer image and launch the silent installation script:
  3. Check the log files for errors.
    • Errors that cause a silent installation to fail before the installation directories are created are logged in %SystemDrive%\SDKInstall.log.
    • Errors encountered after the installation destination is created are logged in SMP_HOME\InstallLogs\SDKInstall.log, where SMP_HOME represents the SAP Mobile SDK installation directory, down to the MobileSDKXXX folder.