Backward Compatibility

If you have installed an earlier version of Sybase Mobile SDK on the same workstation, installing this version does not overwrite it. The earlier version remains in place, and you can continue using it to maintain applications that do not need to be migrated to Sybase Mobile SDK version 2.1.3.

Note: If you have not installed an earlier version of Sybase Mobile SDK on the workstation where you are installing this version, you can skip this topic.

Sybase Mobile SDK is installed in a subdirectory under the installation root directory that you specify. Earlier versions of Sybase Mobile SDK always named this directory MobileSDK, and SDK components that could be shared with Runtime were installed as siblings to the MobileSDK folder. This version names that directory MobileSDK213, and all SDK components are installed under that directory. Future versions will follow this pattern and name the directory MobileSDKXXX, where XXX identifies the version.

Maintaining several versions of Sybase Mobile SDK side by side allows you to plan and implement phased migration of applications developed in earlier versions of the SDK until you need to use features that are only available in a later version:
If you want to stop using the earlier version of Sybase Mobile SDK and use only this version, you will have to migrate all applications developed in earlier versions of the SDK to the newer version before you remove the earlier version: