Getting Started

Before you begin installing Sybase® Mobile SDK, familiarize yourself with system requirements and installation prerequisites.

Although Mobile SDK works closely with the Unwired Server component in Sybase Unwired Platform Runtime, the installation of Mobile SDK is independent of the Unwired Server installation. Mobile SDK may be installed on a server or developer workstation, with or without Unwired Server. If Unwired Server has already been installed, there is no need to shut down the Unwired Server services before installing or uninstalling Mobile SDK.

For information on system requirements for Sybase Mobile SDK, see Supported Hardware and Software.

For information on installing an Unwired Server instance to work with your Mobile SDK installation, see Installation Guide for Runtime.

Note: If you are installing Sybase Mobile SDK on a system where Unwired Platform is already installed, the installer automatically uses the license from that installation. You can skip the topics about licenses that follow the Backward Compatibility topic.