manage server permissions privilege

Users with manage server permissions privilege can grant and revoke server-wide privilege. See Table 8-3 for a list of these privileges.

Table 8-3: system privileges managed by manage server permissions privilege

allow exceptional login

checkpoint any database

checkpoint (on any database except sybsecurity)


create database

dbcc checkallock any database

dbcc checkcatalog any database

dbcc checkdb any database

dbcc checkindex any database

dbcc checkstorage any database

dbcc checktable any database

dbcc checkverify any database

dbcc fix_text any database

dbcc indexalloc any database

dbcc reindex any database

dbcc tablealloc any database

dbcc textalloc any database

dbcc tune

dump any database

dump database (on any database except sybsecurity)


kill any process

load any database

load database (on any database except sybsecurity)

manage any database

manage any ESP

manage any thread pool

manage cluster

manage data cache

manage disk

manage dump configurations

manage lock promotion threshold

manage resource limit

manage server

manage server configuration

manage server permissions

mange execution classes

map external file

monitor server replication

mount any database

online any database

online database (on any database except sybsecurity)

own any database

own database (on any database except sybsecurity)

quiesce any database

set switch

set tracing

set tracing any process

show switch


unmount any database

use any database

use database (on any database except sybsecurity)

manage server permissions is initially explicitly granted to the sa_role on a newly installed server. Once you revoke manage server permissions from the sa_role, a user with sa_role cannot grant or revoke any server-wide privilege.

To avoid a user unintentionally causing the server to be locked, Adaptive Server ensures the server contains at least one unlocked user account with manage server permissions privileges.