Limits and ranges of ID numbers

Table 3-11 describes the valid ranges for the ID types.

Table 3-11: Ranges for ID types

ID type

Server limits

Logins per server (suid)

2 billion plus 32K

Users per database (uid)

2 billion less 1032193

Groups or roles per database (gid)

16,384 to 1,048,576

Figure 3-1 illustrates the limits and ranges for logins, users, and groups.

Figure 3-1: Users, groups, and logins available in Adaptive Server

Image shows numbers for IDs in Adaptive Server: User IDs are from -32768 to 16383, Group or role IDs are from 16383 to 1048576. SUIDs are from -32768 to 2 billion.

You may use negative values for user IDs (uid).

The server user ID (suid) associated with a group or a role in sysusers is not equal to the negation of their user ID (uid). Every suid associated with a group or a role in sysusers is set to -2 (INVALID_SUID).