Installing Sybase IQ InfoPrimer on Windows Using Silent Mode

Silent installation allows you to install components, but does not require interaction.

At the command prompt, navigate to the installation directory and enter:
  • Sybase IQ InfoPrimer Development
    Setup_InfoPrimerDevelopment-15.3.0.exe /VERYSILENT /DIR=installation
    directory /TASKS="Desktopicon,Allusers"
  • Sybase IQ InfoPrimer Server
    Setup_InfoPrimerServer-15.3.0.exe /VERYSILENT /DIR=<installation
    directory> /TASKS="InstallAsService,Allusers"
  • DIR – is the location to install IQ InfoPrimer Development or Server. Sybase recommends that you use only alphanumeric characters and do not include white spaces in the installation path.

  • (Optional) TASKS – are the additional tasks you want the installer to perform, such as creating a desktop icon for IQ InfoPrimer Development, installing IQ InfoPrimer Server as a Windows service, or installing for all users.