Connecting to ESP Using the ODBC Driver

Follow the procedures specific to the third-party application from which you wish to connect to ESP using the ODBC Driver for ESP.

The ODBC Driver for ESP is a general purpose utility. Once you have defined a data source name (DSN) for the instance of ESP to which you wish to connect, you can use any application you choose.
Note: You must have a DSN defined before using this procedure to connect to ESP using the ODBC driver.

The specific procedure for making the connection will depend on the application you use. The example shown here makes a connection from Microsoft Excel to pull data from ESP into a spreadsheet.

  1. Start the ESP project to which you want to connect, if it is not already running.
  2. Open Excel.
  3. Click Data > From Other Sources > From Microsoft Query
  4. Select Data Source.
    A list of the DSNs configured on your system is displayed.
  5. Select the DSN for the instance of ESP to which you wish to connect, and click OK.
    The Query Wizard - Choose Columns screen is displayed.
  6. Select the name of the stream you want from the list in the left pane of the screen, and click on the button between the two panes.
    The columns in your stream are listed in the right pane of the screen.
  7. Click Next.
    The Query Wizard - Filter Next screen is displayed.
  8. Click Next.
    The Query Wizard - Sort Order screen is displayed.
  9. Click Next.
    The Query Wizard - Finish screen is displayed.
  10. Click Finish.
    The Import Data screen is displayed.
  11. Click OK.
    The Excel spreadsheet is redisplayed, with data from ESP populating it.