
Use the Device Application Designer editor to assign controls to get their initial values from variables.

You can assign user or system variables to controls. You can also define user variables that can store values from controls and be reused.

Personalization key variables

This type of variable allows you to assign personalization keys to controls like edit box, choice, and so on. Personalization keys are maintained in the mobile business object. You can use only the personalization keys defined in Unwired Platform projects referenced by the mobile business object application.

Note: Authentication personalization keys, for example user name and passoword personalization keys, and structured personalization keys are not supported.

Table context variables

When you associate a mobile business object to a table widget or list detail, the Device Application Designer automatically creates a list of table context variables for all of the columns in the mobile business object. These variables are listed in the Variable References dialog and the Variable Selection dialog.

You can see table context variables throughout the workbench displayed in this format: {mbo-name}.{attribute-display-name}. For example:

Table context variables
