Creating a Connection Action

Use the Connection Action dialog to edit the connection type and screen for the action.

  1. In the Screen Design > Palette > Actions, select Connection and drag and drop it on to the control.
  2. In the Connection Action dialog, from the Connection drop-down list, select the type of connection you want to assign to the action:
    • Go To
    • Cancel
    • Error
    • Pending
    • Success
  3. Select the screen to which you want the connection action to point from the drop-down list on the right. If no screens appear in the drop-down list, click New.
  4. (Optional) If no screens appear in the drop-down list, click New.
  5. (Optional) In the Select Screen dialog, select the screen from the drop-down list, and click OK.
  6. In the Connection Action dialog, click OK.