Migration Guidelines and Limitations

Follow these guidelines to resolve issues with migrated Unwired WorkSpace projects, mobile business objects (MBOs), and mobile applications.

Resource Migration behavior
  • Default values and Fill from attributes are updated by name matching. If you change names, you may need to modify these values after migration.
  • If complex arguments do not flatten properly and convert to structure types for a given MBO, re-create the MBO.
Projects Remove references to missing JAR files from imported projects after generating client code. Missing JAR file references are a result of differences between JAR file references in earlier versions of Unwired WorkSpace and the current version, and generate error messages when you generate client code.
  1. From WorkSpace Navigator, right-click the project and select Generate code. Follow the wizard instructions to generate client code.
  2. Right-click the project and select Properties.
  3. Select Java build path, then the Libraries tab.
  4. Remove all invalid JAR references and click OK to exit.
Connection profiles
  • Data sources must be available to properly refresh and import MBO and operation results into Unwired WorkSpace. That is, the connection profiles to be migrated must exist and be available to connect to; the enterprise information system (EIS) must also be available. Sybase recommends that you connect the connection profiles as soon as you migrate them, to avoid problems that could arise when Unwired WorkSpace refreshes metadata from the EIS,
  • Imported connection profiles that reference the "Sybase ASE v15.x Default" driver are invalid in the current version of Unwired WorkSpace, and have been replaced with "Sybase JDBC Driver for Sybase ASE 15.x Default." Update these connection profiles to access the related data source; otherwise, you see Driver files not specified in driver definition error messages. To change the driver reference:
    1. Right-click the imported connection profile and select Properties.
    2. Select Sybase ASE Connection Properties.
    3. From the drivers list, select Sybase JDBC Driver for Sybase ASE 15.x Default.
    4. Change other properties if needed and click Test connection to verify access to the data source.
Web service MBOs
  • Complex arguments are flattened in version 1.2 and are converted to complex arguments after migration. The corresponding default values are also converted.
  • Earlier versions of Unwired WorkSpace supported the setting of one read/operation for each XSLT. The current version of Unwired WorkSpace supports multiple XSLTs, so the migrated XSLT is the first XSLT after migration.
  • Qualified names (QNames) are supported in the current version of Unwired WorkSpace. During migration, the Web service definition is refreshed and uses the new definition.
  • You cannot migrate HTTP and SOAP1.2 bindings.
  • Complex arguments are flattened and converted to structure types.
  • Imported and flattened SAP table default values are converted to structure default values.
  • The current version of Unwired WorkSpace does not support mapping of SAP MBOs to multiple output tables, other than migrated MBOs, which are exempt from this rule. If a migrated MBO has been mapped to multiple output tables, it retains the mapping and the MBO is unchanged when imported. When working with these MBOs, the output table mapping option is unavailable.
File MBOs Unwired WorkSpace does not support File MBOs, which are removed during migration.
  • Nullable – if the imported attribute is a primary key, Nullable is false, that is, the primary key does not support null. All other attributes are set to true.
  • Unknown – all unknown datatypes are converted to strings.
  • Datetime/Time – time zone offset is not supported, and is removed from existing argument or attribute default values during migration.
  • Complex – arguments are flattened and converted to complex datatypes (structure MBO), and the default values, Filterby setting, personalization key, and so on, for attributes and parameters are preserved.
Cache groups All imported MBOs are assigned to the Default cache group.
Cache update policies
The current version of Unwired WorkSpace supports only Apply results to the cache and Invalidate the cache cache update policies:
  • Apply results to the cache – merges previously supported cache update policies Apply operation results and Apply operation parameters. Upon migration all operations that used these policies are set as Apply results to the cache.
  • Invalidate the cache – upon migration, operations previously defined as Invalidate cache use this policy and behave the same. Operations previously defined as No invalidate cache, migrate without a cache update policy setting.
  • Alternate read – is not supported in this release and migrated alternate read operations are ignored.
Synchronization groups All imported MBOs are assigned to the Default synchronization group.
Personalization keys Migrated personalization keys are automatically set with these values:
  • Type – string
  • Nullable – true
  • Protected – false
  • Owner – server
Migrated relationships are automatically set with these values:
  • Migrated one-to-one and one-to-many relationships are set as bidirectional relationships.
  • All mapped attributes and mapped parameter’s propagate-to attributes are set as primary keys:
    • For one-to-many bidirectional and unidirectional, and one-to-one bidirectional relationships, the primary key is set in the source MBO.
    • For many-to-one bidirectional and unidirectional, and one-to-one unidirectional relationships, the primary key is set in the target MBO.
  • For relationships that link parameters, a new attribute with the same name and datatype as the parameter is generated for the parameter as a propagate-to attribute.

Alternate keys and alternate foreign keys must have a one-to-one mapping:

  • All primary-key attributes must be mapped and all non-primary-key attributes must not be mapped.
  • For One to many relationship, both bidirectional and unidirectional, and one-to-one bidirectional relationship, the rule is applied on the source MBO.
  • For Many to one bidirectional and unidirectional, and One to one unidirectional relationships, the rule is applied on the target MBO.

For example, if a One to many relationship contains a parent MBO with multiple primary key attributes, and the child target MBO has only one primary key attribute, the relationship cannot be imported successfully, since there cannot be a one-to-one mapping of the primary key attributes.

If you have MBOs in a relationship that do not meet this requirement, you must recreate the project in the current version of Unwired WorkSpace and either remove extra primary key settings, or create additional relationships to support all primary key mappings. If not properly mapped, you see this error message in the Edit Relationship dialog:
There is an error on primary key setting 
for the relationship mapping. 
Automatically reset it by re-mapping it or 
by finishing the editing dialog. 
Old value argument Migrated value argument naming prefixes of "sup_oldvalue_" have been replaced with "old".
@OP parameter syntax @OP parameter syntax is no longer supported. Migrated @OP[id=1] syntax is replaced with :id, and default values are ignored.

Result-set filters

Result-set filters that produce result sets for which SQL metadata contains null-valued column names must be redefined so that column names are not null.

Related tasks
Exporting Connection Profiles
Exporting Mobile Application Projects
Importing Connection Profiles
Importing Mobile Application Projects
Migrating Mobile Application Projects