Exporting Connection Profiles

Export connection profiles to an external file.

Exported connection profiles retain their connection information, allowing you to use them later (provided connection information remains the same) by importing them into other Unwired WorkSpace installations or when migrating to a more current version of Unwired WorkSpace.

  1. From Enterprise Explorer, select the Export icon to launch the Export Connection Profiles wizard export_conn_profile_icon_eclipse.
  2. Select the connection profiles to include in the export, or click Select all to export all connection profiles.
  3. Specify a file name, or Browse to the location of an existing file.
    A single file can contain multiple connection profiles. Files are encrypted by default.
  4. Click OK to export the selected connection profiles to the specified file.
Related tasks
Exporting Mobile Application Projects
Importing Connection Profiles
Importing Mobile Application Projects
Migrating Mobile Application Projects
Related reference
Migration Guidelines and Limitations