Refreshing a Text Index

Refresh a text index for a catalog store table to bring it up to date when the underlying data has changed.

  1. From the application menu bar, select View > Open > Administration Console.
  2. In the Administration Console, expand IQ Servers > Schema Objects and select Text Indexes.
  3. In the right pane, select a text index and click the drop-down arrow that appears to the right.
  4. Select Properties.
  5. Select the General page of the properties dialog.
  6. (Optional) Check the last refresh time displayed in the middle of the page.
  7. Click Refresh Now to refresh the text index.

    If the data has not changed since the last refresh, the refresh date does not change.

    To force a refresh, truncate the text index, then refresh it.

    If the text index cannot be manually refreshed, the Refresh Now button is grayed out.

  8. In the Text Index Refresh Data dialog, select the isolation level for the refresh:
    Option Description
    Read uncommitted (level 0)
    • Can read rows with or without write lock
    • Applies no read locks
    • Data may change during the refresh
    • Allows dirty reads, nonrepeatable reads, and phantom rows
    Read committed (level 1)
    • Can read only rows with no write lock
    • Read-locks only the current row and releases it immediately after reading
    • Data may change during the refresh
    • Prevents dirty reads
    • Allows nonrepeatable reads and phantom rows
    Repeatable read (level 2)
    • Can read only rows with no write lock
    • Read-locks each row as it is read; holds the lock until the refresh is done
    • Prevents dirty reads and nonrepeatable reads
    • Allows phantom rows
    Serializable (level 3)
    • Can read only rows with no write lock
    • Read-locks every row for the duration of the refresh operation
    • Prevents dirty reads, nonrepeatable reads, and phantom rows
    • Applies no read locks
    • Can read any row
    • The database takes a snapshot of committed data when the refresh operation reads the first row
    Share mode (the default)
    • Allows other transactions to read the underlying table during the refresh operation
    • Uses shared table locks
    Exclusive mode
    • Does not change the isolation level
    • Locks the underlying table to ensure that the text index is updated to be consistent with committed data in the table
    • If an exclusive table lock cannot be obtained, the refresh fails
  9. Click OK to refresh the text index.
Related tasks
Creating a Text Index
Modifying the Properties of a Text Index
Generating DDL for a Text Index
Truncating a Text Index
Deleting a Text Index