Creating a Text Index

Set up a text index for a table in Sybase IQ.

  1. From the application menu bar, select View > Open > Administration Console.
  2. In the Administration Console, expand IQ Servers > Schema Objects.
  3. Select Text Indexes, click the drop-down arrow that appears to the right, and select New.
  4. In the dialog, select the Sybase IQ server on which the table to be indexed resides.
  5. Select the table.
  6. Enter a name for the text index.
  7. Select columns to include in the text index.
  8. Select a text configuration object.
    If the index is on an IQ table in the column store, skip to step 10. If the index is on a table in the catalog store, you see a page that lets you select a refresh type.
  9. Select a refresh type (catalog store tables only). If you select Automatic, set the interval at which the text index refreshes.
    Note: If the index is on an IQ table in the column store, it refreshes automatically whenever the data in the underlying table changes.
  10. Select the dbspace in which to store the text index.
  11. (Optional) Enter a comment describing the text index.
  12. Click Finish to create the text index.
Related tasks
Modifying the Properties of a Text Index
Generating DDL for a Text Index
Refreshing a Text Index
Truncating a Text Index
Deleting a Text Index