Adaptive Server Data Collections

Collection of Adaptive Server data may be scheduled through either a default data collection or preconfigured statistics collections.

When an Adaptive Server is first authenticated, Sybase Control Center schedules a default data collection called collection_ase_availability.

The user who first authenticates and monitors an Adaptive Server resource owns its default collection. You can begin to schedule a default collection in one of these ways:
  • Authenticate an Adaptive Server after registering it. This is the default method of scheduling a default collection.
  • Create a scheduled job that is initiated when the Sybase Control Center server starts.

You can set up jobs in the scheduler to collect preconfigured statistics collections using the collections collection_ase_all_client_kpis, collection_ase_histmon, or collection_ase_rat.

Listed below are the Adaptive Server data collections and corresponding key performance indicators (KPIs).


The default collection of data that is set up when an Adaptive Server is first authenticated. The data in the default collection is gathered in 60 second intervals.

Note: The default collection contains the same key performance indicators (KPIs) as the Perspective Heatchart, and therefore these KPIs need not be scheduled in additional collections.

The KPIs used in the default collection include:

Server Percent CPU Utilization Number of Suspended Processes
Number of Blocked Processes Server Availability State


Collects the data for historical charts in the Adaptive Server component, including those on the Overview, Devices, Engines, and Segments screens in the Adaptive Server monitor. Schedule this collection to see real time charting for these resources.

The KPIs used in collection_ase_all_client_kpis include:

Active Connections in Cluster Instance Device IO Response Time
Device IO Rate in Cluster Instance Engine CPU Utilization
Engine CPU Utilization in Cluster Instance Segment Space Usage
CPU Busy Value for Logical Cluster Workload Server CPU Utilization
IO Load Value for Logical Cluster Workload Server Device IO Rate
Load Score for Logical Cluster Workload Cluster Temp DB IO Rate
Run Queue Length for Logical Cluster Workload Thread User CPU Utilization
Device APF Reads Thread System CPU Utilization
Device IO Rate Thread Total CPU Utilization


Collects historical statistics for an Adaptive Server. These statistics are not displayed in the Adaptive Server monitor. To view these statistics, launch the 'Statistics Chart' window from the context menu. Schedule this collection to activate alerts and view them in a statistics chart.

The KPIs used in collection_ase_histmon include:

Workload Load Score in Cluster Instance Number of Bytes Received in Network IO
Number of Bytes Received in Cluster Instance Number of Bytes Sent in Network IO
Number of Bytes Sent in Cluster Instance Number of Deadlocks
Number of CIPC Messages Received in Cluster Instance Number of Locks
Number of CIPC Messages Sent in Cluster Instance Number of Packets Received in Network IO
Number of Committed Transactions in Cluster Instance Number of Packets Sent in Network IO
Number of Packets Received in Cluster Instance Number of Page Locks
Number of Packets Sent in Cluster Instance Number of Row Locks
Cache Hit Ratio Number of Table Locks
Number of Cache Misses Number of Transactions
Number of Cache Searches Number of User Connections
Device Free Space Procedure Cache Hit Ratio
Device Space Usage Server Device IO Rate
Active Connections in Logical Cluster sp_who Response Time
Number of Failover Instances in Logical Cluster Statement Cache Hit Ratio
Segment Free Space Server tempdb Free Space
Average Blocked Process Wait Time Server tempdb Space Used
Number of Address Locks  


Collects RepAgent Threads metrics for the charts on the Adaptive Server component’s Replication Agent screen. Include this collection only if you are planning to monitor replication from this primary database.

Related concepts
Role Assignment in Sybase Control Center for Adaptive Server
Related tasks
Configuring Adaptive Server for Monitoring
Authenticating a Login Account for a Managed Resource
Setting Adaptive Server Parameters in the Configuration File
Related reference
Key Performance Indicators for Adaptive Server