Role Assignment in Sybase Control Center for Adaptive Server

Sybase Control Center automatically grants administrative or monitoring privileges for Adaptive Server.

Sybase Control Center automatically assigns monitoring privileges to users who have mon_role privileges on an Adaptive Server, which lets them perform monitoring tasks for that server.

Sybase Control Center automatically assigns administration privileges to users who have sa_role privileges on an Adaptive Server, which lets them perform certain administrative tasks for that server.

SCC checks for role validation every 30 minutes. The Monitor option in the Resource menu of the Perspective Resources view is greyed out until the resource is authenticated. If you authenticate a resource without having mon_role privileges, SCC warns you that you cannot perform monitoring tasks or configure alerts on the server.

Note: If a role is revoked on the Adaptive Server from outside of Sybase Control Center, SCC does not register the change till the next role-check occurs. However, as the monitoring or administrative role has been revoked on the Adaptive Server, the user cannot execute such a task through Sybase Control Center. If a role is revoked on Adaptive Server from within SCC, SCC registers the change immediately.
Related tasks
Assigning a Role to a Login or a Group
Related reference
Logins, Roles, and Groups