SetBubbleSize Method

Use the SetBubbleSize function to define the size of the bubbles in a bubble graph.


integer controlName.SetBubbleSize({string graphControl,} integer seriesNumber, integer itemNumber, double size)
Argument Description
controlName The name of the graph in which to set the bubble size, or the name of the DataWindow control containing the graph.
graphControl (DataWindow control only) (Optional) A string with a value that is the name of the graph in the DataWindow control.
seriesNumber The number of the series in which to set the bubble size.
itemNumber The number of the data point for which to set the bubble size.
size (exp) A double that defines the size of the bubble. Size can be a DataWindow expression.

Return value

Returns 0 if successful, 1 for no action. If an error occurs, SetBubbleSize returns a negative integer. Values are:


In bubble graphs, you can plot three data values on one x and two y axes. The size of the bubble is proportional to the value it represents. Use SetBubbleSize to define the size of the bubbles.


This statement changes the size of the first bubble in the first series of graph gr_1 in the DataWindow control dw_1 to 25:

dw_1.SetBubbleSize("gr_1", 1, 1, 25)