Menu Painter Views

There are several views that you use to create a menu.

You use two views to specify menu items that appear in the menu bar and under menu bar items:

This view Displays
Tree Menu view All menu items at the same time when the tree is fully expanded.
WYSIWYG Menu view The menu as you will see it and use it in your application, with the exception of disabled menu items, unless you set Show Invisibles.

The Tree Menu view and the WYSIWYG Menu view are nearly equivalent. You can use either to insert new menu items on the menu bar or on drop-down or cascading menus, or to modify existing menu items. However, you cannot enter text in the WYSIWYG Menu view. You can enter the menu text in the Tree Menu view or the Properties view.

The menus in both views change when you make a change in either view. Unlike PowerBuilder Classic, any disabled menu items will not appear in the WYSIWYG view unless you enable Edit > Show Invisibles.

The two views are separated by a grid splitter. You can resize the views as needed, or hide one view entirely.

Specify menu properties in two views:

Use this view To specify
Properties view (for the top-level menu object) General, Appearance, and Toolbar categories for setting menu-wide properties
Properties view (for menu items) Name, Menu Item, and Toolbar Item categories for setting properties for submenu items and toolbars
Note: When you select the menu items in the Tree Menu view, you can set their properties.