WCFReaderQuotas Class

The WCFReaderQuotas class defines restrictions (quotas) for the complexity of message exchanges with service endpoints that you can set differently according to the binding type used.


WCFReaderQuotas property Type Description
MaxDepth Int32 (PowerScript long) Gets or sets a maximum node depth. The default value is 32.
MaxStringContentLength Int32 (PowerScript long) Gets or sets a maximum length for message strings returned from the service. The default value is 8192.
MaxArrayLength Int32 (PowerScript long) Gets or sets the maximum length for arrays returned from the service. The default value is 16384.
MaxBytesPerRead Int32 (PowerScript long) Gets or sets the maximum number of bytes returned from the service during a single call. The default value is 4096.
MaxNameTableCharCount Int32 (PowerScript long) Gets or sets the maximum number of characters permitted in a table name. Setting this value can help prevent buildup of large amounts of character data. The default value is 16384.
Related reference
WCFBasicHttpBinding Class
WCFwsHttpBinding Class
WCFnetTCPBinding Class