WCFwsHttpBinding Class

The WCFwsHttpBinding class enables you to communicate with WCF or Web services using the wsHttpBinding binding. This binding provides transaction capability, reliable messaging, WS-Addressing, and message security.


WCFwsHttpBinding property Type Description
MessageEncoding WSMessageEncoding (enumeration) Specifies encoding for SOAP messages. Values are: TEXT (default) and MTOM (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism).
TextEncoding WSTextEncoding (enumeration) Specifies character encoding for SOAP message text. Values are: ASCII, BIGENDIANUNICODE, UNICODE, UTF32, UTF7, and UTF8 (default).
ReliableSession WCFReliableSession (class) Specifies whether to enable reliable sessions (using the WS-ReliableMessaging protocol), and defines settings for these sessions when enabled.
TransactionFlow Boolean Specifies whether transaction flowing is supported. Values are:
  • true – supported.
  • false (default) – not supported.
Security wsHttpSecurity (class) Gets or configures the security settings of a wsHttpBinding connection.
ReaderQuotas WCFReaderQuotas (class) Gets or sets processing constraints based on the SOAP message complexity for endpoints with this binding type.
AllowCookies Boolean Indicates whether the client accepts cookies. Values are:
  • true – accepts cookies.
  • false (default) – does not accept cookies.
BypassProxyOnLocal Boolean Indicates whether to bypass the proxy server for local addresses. Values are:
  • true – bypasses the proxy server.
  • false (default) – does not bypass the proxy server.
HostNameComparisonMode WCFHostNameComparisonMode (enum) When matching the URI, indicates whether to use the host name to reach the service. Values are: StrongWildCard (default), Exact, and WeakWildCard.
MaxBufferPoolSize Int64 (PowerScript longlong) Specifies the maximum amount of memory allocated for the manager of the buffers required by the endpoints using this binding. The default value is 524288.
MaxReceivedMessageSize Int64 (PowerScript longlong) Specifies the maximum size for a message that can be processed by the binding. The default value is 65536.


WCFwsHttpBinding method Description
AddHttpRequestHeader Adds an HTTP header to the HTTP request. Use this method to add or change any header in the HTTP message.
RemoveHttpRequestHeader Removes a specified HTTP header when the HTTP request message is sent.
GetHttpResponseHeader Gets an HTTP header value (based on the header type) from the HTTP response message.
Related reference
WCFReliableSession Class
wsHttpSecurity Class
WCFConnection Class
WCFReaderQuotas Class
Related information
AddHttpRequestHeader Method
GetHttpResponseHeader Method
RemoveHttpRequestHeader Method