Sybase Unwired Platform End-to-End Process Flow

Understanding Sybase Unwired Platform processing flow at a high level between the enterprise information system (EIS), Sybase Unwired Platform, and devices is important for troubleshooting, as well as knowing the options available for diagnosing problems at each step of the process.

High-level process flow

This diagram shows a logical view of Sybase Unwired Platform communications between the EIS, Sybase Unwired Platform components, and device clients. The diagram also shows relay server and relay server outbound enabler (RSOE), which are optional components.

Sybase Unwired Platform communications
SUP Debugging Communications
Sybase Unwired Platform communications
2.3 debug all process flow
Unwired Server subcomponents include:
  • Core and administrative subsystem (MMS) – responsible for core services which include device client application interaction management, security enforcement, notifications processing, and runtime component management. MMS administrative services provide the server management interface used by Sybase Control Center.
  • Data services (DS) – responsible for back-end interaction, data integrity, and transactions.
  • Cache database (CDB) – is a runtime cache database used by server-name. By default, an embedded SQL Anywhere® database server is used as the CDB, as shown in the diagram. However, you can configure server-name to use an existing SQL Anywhere instance as its CDB server.
  • Messaging subsystem – responsible for transport of messages required for maintaining data integrity on device client applications. It uses a JMS service to upload and download data changes between devices and the cache database.

Troubleshooting options

This section describes the options available for diagnosing process flow problems. Details are provided separately.

Options for diagnosing process flow
Processing component Diagnostic option
Enterprise Information System (EIS)

Use EIS administrative tools to make sure the data source is available, and check logs for possible communications problems between the EIS and Unwired Server.

Unwired Server – data services (DS)
  • Using Sybase Control Center, enable data services subsystem logging.
  • Review interactions for getting data and sending transactions.
Unwired Server – core and administrative subsystem (MMS)
  • Using Sybase Control Center, enable core and administrative subsystem logging.
  • Monitor packages.
  • Enable package-level logging.
  • Enable synchronization tracing.
  • View the mobile business object (MBO) operation history.
Unwired Server – messaging subsystem
  • Using Sybase Control Center, enable messaging subsystem logging.
  • Using Sybase Control Center, enable messaging server-side logging for one or more of its modules. Note, the messaging sub-system logging controls three modules (SUPBridge, JMSBridge, and WorkflowClient), but other modules may be useful to debug a problem if recommended.
  • Retrieve client-side messaging-based synchronization trace by sending a request to the messaging device from Sybase Control Center.
  • Check the module log for SUPBridge and JMSBridge modules messages. The SUPBridge log contains incoming messages from device clients, and the JMSBridge log contains messages going to device clients.
Relay server and Outbound Enablers (RSOE) – if used
  • Check the relay server configuration.
  • Enable relay server tracing (in rs.config on the relay server machine), and outbound enabler log verbosity using Sybase Control Center.
  • Review relay server and outbound enabler log files.
  • Check Microsoft Windows system log files, and web server (IIS or Apache) log files.
Device clients
  • If the SUPLogger is implemented as part of custom coding, enable Show Log, and set the trace flags.
  • Enable WorkflowClient tracing from the client.
  • Use Sybase Control Center to check device information and settings, including the current connection status.
  • Review log files uploaded from the device.
  • Check the configuration, especially connections between the device and Unwired Server, and the certificate.

If the device is offline (or cannot connect to Unwired Server), you may not be able to retrieve device logs (for example, messaging logs) from the device through Sybase Control Center. If you have physical access to the device, you may connect the device to your computer (either PC or Mac), and use certain third party software to retrieve those log files. For example, you can use iPhoneExplorer to browse through iPhone to extract logs; Windows Explorer to extract logs from Windows Mobile; and Android AVD Manager to get logs from Android.

Related reference
Debugging Message Synchronization
Debugging Replication Synchronization
Debugging the Cache
Debugging Data Change Notification
Debugging Android Device Development
Debugging BlackBerry Device Development
Debugging iOS Device Development
Debugging Windows and Windows Mobile Object API Development
Debugging DOE-C End-to-End Process Flow
Debugging JCO End-to-End Process Flow