Changing Database Ports for SQLAnywhere Databases

By default, ports are configured when you install the data tier. You can change values for any SQLAnywhere database deployed as part of the data tier.

During installation the you are prompted to enter a port number for each of the SQLAnywhere databases used by the runtime: the cache database (CDB), the cluster database, the log database, and monitor database.

Depending on whether or not you have deployed Unwired Platform as a single node (as in the case of Online Data Proxy environments), or as a cluster, the process varies slightly. This is because:
  • In single node deployment, a single database server named CacheDB supports all installed databases.
  • In a cluster deployment, two servers are used: the monitor and domain log databases use a server called LogDataDB, the default database used for the cache data uses the CacheDB server, and the cluster database uses the ClusterDB server.
  1. Stop all instances of Unwired Server, as well as all database services.
    For a list of database services, search for Unwired Platform Windows Services in System Administration.
  2. If you are updating ports in a cluster deployment, then for each database that requires a port change, open the corresponding initialization file. These files are installed to <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\SQLAnywhere12\binxx:
    • For the cache database, open cdboptions.ini.
    • For the cluster database, open cldboptions.ini.
    • For the log database, open monitoroptions.ini.
  3. For all deployments, run the update properties utility to propagate changes to all runtime servers:
    updateProps.bat -u user -p pwd -d dsn -nv "serverport_property1= newport serverport_property2= newport
    Supported server port property names include:
    • cdb.serverport
    • cldb.serverport
    • monitoringdb.serverport
    • domainlogdb.serverport
    For details on the update properties utility, see Update Properties (updateprops.bat) Utility in the System Administration guide.
  4. Restart all database services, then all Unwired Servers.
Related tasks
Changing SQLAnywhere Database Server Startup Options
Related reference
Update Properties (updateprops.bat) Utility