Update Properties (updateprops.bat) Utility

Performs multiple functions, including registering or removing a participating node for a cluster, or update a specific server property.


updateprops.bat [-u username] [-p password] [-d dsn] [-f propertyFile] 
[-cn clusterName] [-nv "<propertyName=NewValue>"] [-r] [-v] [-x]


  • -u username – the platform administrator username.
  • -p password – the platform administrator password.
  • -d dsn – the data source name (DSN) of the cluster database.
  • -cn clusterName – the name that identifies the Unwired Platform Cluster
  • -nv "<propertyName=NewValue>" – one or more platform property values that requires change. Multiple values can be defined; however, they must be separated by the pound symbol (#). For example:

    –nv “ml.threadcount=10#sup.admin.port=2005#sup.sync.port=2490"

  • -v – use verbose output in the command window.


  • Changing a cdb threadcount property – Update the ml.threadcount property of the production environment cache database to 20 by running:

    updateProps.bat -nv "ml.threadcount=20"

    This is only recommended for deployment editions of Unwired Platform.


Before running this utility, ensure that the data tier is available; otherwise platform data is not modified correctly.