Session-level logging

Session-specific setting of the logging option overrides the table-level and database-level setting of the logging option.

To enable or disable logging for DML in the current session, even when database-level, or table-specific DML logging is full, use:

set dml_logging = { full | minimal | default}

See the Reference Manual: Commands.

Setting the DML logging to minimal affects only the logging mode on objects owned by the current session user. If the session user has the sa_role, the logging mode of all user objects is minimal.

Once you have set session-specific DML logging to minimal, set dml_logging default returns the logging mode currently in effect for the affected tables to the table’s default logging mode, based on the table- and database-level settings.

You can use the set dml_logging command to perform minimal logging for a table, but you cannot use it to perform fully logged DML if the database owner or table owner has already set up the table to run with minimal logging.

The session-specific setting for the logging mode eventually determines whether a particular object is logged, given the various rules described earlier and in the following sections, regarding choice of the logging mode for a specific table.