Increasing the size of in-memory databases

Use alter database to increase the size of an in-memory database. The devices on which you increase the size must be part of the same cache that is currently hosting the devices on which the database resides (that is, you cannot create an additional in-memory storage cache and increase the size of an existing in-memory database on this storage cache). You cannot run disk resize to increase the size of in-memory database devices (as you would for a standard database device).

To increase the size of an in-memory database:

  1. Use sp_cacheconfig to enlarge the in-memory storage cache.

  2. Use disk init to create a second in-memory device on the enlarged in-memory storage cache.

  3. Run alter database to extend the in-memory database onto the new database device you created in step 2.

Use the same steps that you use to increase the size of a standard disk-based database to increase the size of a relaxed-durability database.