Calling the Account Phone Number

Call the account from within the Account details screen.

If you want to log calls as CRM activities, select the Log Phone Call setting. See Settings.
  1. On the home screen, select Accounts.
  2. Select Call.

    The application displays all the phone numbers and partners functions associated with the account.

  3. Select the phone number to call.

    Highlight the phone number, then select Call.

  4. Verify the phone number is correct, or edit it.
  5. Select Dial.
  6. If you selected the Log Phone Call setting, after you end the call, log the phone call as a CRM activity.

    The applications displays a pop-up asking if you want to log the phone call as a CRM activity.

    1. Click Yes.
    2. Follow the screens to finish creating the activity.
Related tasks
Searching Accounts
Viewing Accounts
Creating a New Account
Creating a Lead for an Account
Creating an Opportunity for an Account
E-mailing an Account
Updating Account Details
Logging a Phone Call as an Activity

Created March 2, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: