Invalidate Cache Policy

Use the invalidate cache policy only when other policies cannot be implemented or performance is not an important consideration.

An operation that uses the invalidate cache policy:
  1. Performs the create, update, or delete (CUD) operation. For example, insert a new record in the enterprise information system (EIS).
  2. Invalidates the cache (CDB) for that mobile business object (MBO) instance.
  3. Requires the MBO instance in the CDB to be refreshed from the EIS (this is known as playback). Internally, the MBO's primary read operation executes to retrieve data from the EIS and repopulates the cache.

    Invalidate cache is the default cache update policy for any CUD operation for which there is no cache update policy set.

Created July 22, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: