Setting a Cache Update Policy

A Cache Update Policy establishes criteria for updating the Unwired Server cache (also called the consolidate database, or CDB) for a given mobile business object (MBO) operation at a finer granularity than the primary read operation.

Controlling how create, update, and delete (CUD) operation results are applied from the enterprise information system (EIS) to the CDB maximizes efficiency and performance for both Unwired Server, and device applications.

  1. Access the Cache Update Policy tab from an existing operation by either double-clicking the operation or right-clicking and selecting Edit.
  2. From the Properties view for the operation, or from the Cache Policy tab in the Operation edit dialog, select the cache update policy:
    Cache Update Policy Description
    Apply operation result policy Updates the CDB based on the returned result set of the called MBO operation.
    Apply operation parameters policy Updates the CDB based on the operation’s parameters.
    Invalidate cache policy Invalidates the CDB after the client calls the MBO operation, and requires a primary read operation to fetch all data again from the EIS. This is the default cache update policy.
    No invalidate cache policy The CDB remains unchanged after the client calls the MBO operation.
    Chained read policy Chain an alternate read operation to the MBO operation. The CDB is updated with the results returned by the alternate read operation. Choose an existing alternate read operation or create a new one by selecting Create.

    The alternate read operation is no different from an operation with an apply operation result cache update policy. Specifying an alternate read type operation enables chaining it to the MBO operations to get the desired result. The difference is that they are used only in conjunction with an MBO CUD operation.

Created July 22, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: