Known Issues for Replication

Learn about known issues and apply workarounds for Replication.

CR# Description
You may see these errors when multiple users are trying to authenticate the resources.
  • Exception invoking method validateManagedObject
  • The Managed Object MBean <Replication Server name> call failed due to unknown exception:null

Workaround: Retry authentication.


An error is encountered while logging in and waiting for views to be populated.

Error: error retrieving persisted graphed statistics.

This error happens only when views are left open when you log out.

Workaround: Ignore this error.


Replication Server and path dashboards may display incorrect queue and route information for environments that contain indirect routes.

Workaround: None.


Error: Unable to Retrieve Topology data.

You may encounter this error when you right-click on a Replication Server and select View Replication Topology.

Workaround: You must first authenticate the resources before viewing a topology. To do this, right-click on a Replication Server, and select Authenticate.


Replication Agent stopped responding, which caused Sybase Control Center for Replication to block the collection processing.

Workaround: Once the blocking issue is resolved, Sybase Control Center Scheduler recovers automatically and continues to normal collection processing.

See CR #567940 in Known Issues for Sybase Control Center and CR #564704 in Known Issues for Adaptive Server for related information.

You may see these errors in the agent.log file.
  • Fail to update availability statistics for ASE rep agent thread
  • Attempt to locate entry in for <database> by name failed

Workaround: Ignore these error messages.


Error: doRetrieveStatistics Failed.

You may sometimes see this error when you log out.

Workaround: Ignore this error.


An issue exists in the Sybase Control Center for Replication where network connections to the same Adaptive Server are not established separately.

If the Adaptive Server hosts more than one database that is either a primary or replicate database, or a Replication Server System Database (RSSD), then the commands executed in the Sybase Control Center for Replication may fail and the statistical collection process may generate errors.

Additionally, the collection performance is degraded and in some circumstances the user interface performance is impacted.

Note: This issue does not occur when monitoring a Replication Server that uses an embedded RSSD.

Workaround: Unregister all resources tied to the replication environment that does not conform to this limitation.


The RepAgent thread graph does not display.

The RepAgent thread graph does not display when you open a Replication Server dashboard.

Workaround: Replication Server is case-sensitive. The server name and the connection or route names must match, including its case. If the case is different, unregister the Adaptive Server and register with the correct case.


Alerts are not available for child managed objects (child MOs).

Replication alerts are not available for child MOs like Replication Server connections, routes, and queues.

Workaround: None.


Repeat Once and Repeat Indefinitely options not supported for the Replication Server Performance Counters collection jobs.

If you select Repeat Once or Repeat Indefinitely in the Scheduling Information window when creating a collection job for Replication Server Performance Counters, no error or warning appears, but no collection occurs since the Performance Counters collection job does not support these options.

Workaround: Choose Repeat until for this type of collection.


Cannot add two network connections with different user names to the Sybase Control Center for Replication.

The Sybase Control Center for Replication connection library stores the network connections to the servers, using the server name as the key. If you attempt to add two different connection authentications to the same server, the Sybase Control Center for Replication connects to the database using the first added user name. No error message appears.

Workaround: If you are monitoring an Adaptive Server and using that same Adaptive Server to hold the Replication Server System Database (RSSD), you must configure the RSSD and the Adaptive Server to use the same user ID and password. The user ID must have all the necessary privileges to access the RSSD.


The Replication Agent Thread dashboard has no data if replication is not enabled in the Adaptive Server.

Workaround: Enable replication in the Adaptive Server.

Created April 16, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: